
How to make your roof last longer

Don’t wait until it’s leaking: learn from these tips to protect the roof over your head.

Don’t wait until it’s leaking: learn from these tips to protect the roof over your head.

The roof.

Hot or cold, rain or shine, it protects you and your family from what’s outside. But for something so essential to everyday living, many people don’t give their roof much thought—until there’s a problem. By then it’s often too late: costly repairs, or an entire new roof may be the only solution.

There are many preventative measures that, if taken, can help your roof last longer and keep you feeling more comfortable no matter the weather. In this post, we’ll share a few telltale signs of roof trouble, and show you how to help your roof enjoy a longer, healthier life.

Signs your roof may need some TLC 

1. Leaks

If you’ve broken out the pots and pans, it’s time to get some help. Beyond the obvious problem of water getting into the house, leaks can also contribute to mold buildup in the attic, and unwanted airflow that can cause drafts, energy waste, and general discomfort.

2. Moss

In a forest, moss is harmless. But if you see fuzzy, green growth on your roof it’s cause for concern. Moss can trap moisture, and cause mold to develop on the shingles and underlying structure.

3. Ice Dams

Ice dams are a symptom of heat loss from your house. They form because a portion of your attic is improperly air sealed and insulated. Heat from your home rises into the attic, melting the snow on the roof line too quickly. This snow re-freezes in an ice sheet at the bottom of your roof and expands underneath the shingles, causing them to break. 

If you notice that the snow on some portions of your roof has melted faster than other areas, you should be concerned. Ice dams can be one dam costly problem.

Raise the roof’s lifespan

Many roof problems don’t start outside the home. Rather, they begin in the attic. Here’s how Sealed helps customers tackle the hidden problems upstairs.

Better ventilation

In summer your attic can get hot. Like, really, really hot. Up to 160 degrees (1)! Not only does that hot air affect life in the rooms below, it can also damage your roof. With better ventilation, you can keep things cooler and prevent mold buildup in the attic.

Improved air sealing and insulation

Insulation and air sealing creates a thermal barrier that protects your roof. In winter it prevents heat from rushing too quickly out of the house through the roof, which causes ice dams, moisture, streaky appearance, and and other risks.

From your roof to your foundation, Sealed makes upgrades that help your whole house work and feel better than ever. We only work with certified home performance contractors who understand the art and science of properly installed insulation. Want to learn more? Give us a call today.

1 – Mr. Roof, 2017

January 28, 2020