
Easy ways to save energy

Every little bit adds up

Every little bit adds up

These days, it seems like everyone is looking to get more efficient. And for good reason: saving energy is good for your bottom line—and the planet.

Upgrading your home with Sealed is one of the best ways to save energy every day. But if you’re not ready to get started with us, or we’re not a great fit for your home, never fear: there are still plenty of easy, affordable ways to save energy.

Swap your bulbs to LEDs

LEDs have the same warm glow as regular bulbs, plus they’re dimmable and use 90% less energy. Some are even programmable to feature different colors depending on the time of day or mood.

Learn more about LED lighting

Install weather stripping

Adding weather stripping to your doors and windows cuts down on drafts, keeping you warmer in the winter. You can find weather stripping at most hardware stores, and most of it installs in just a few minutes.

Learn more about weather stripping

Get a smart thermostat

What could be so smart about a thermostat? A lot! Smart thermostats learn your preferences and help you heat and cool your home more efficiently. Plus, you can control them from your smartphone even when you’re out of the house.

Learn more about smart thermostats

Take a DIY energy audit

If you want a more custom list of solutions, the US Department of Energy helps you look around your house to find even more ways to save. Give it a try!

Try the DIY energy audit

Talk to Sealed

Want to learn about more ways of saving energy? Give us a call. 

January 31, 2020