
Why your energy bills are so high

What makes up an energy bill? Why might it be high? And what you can do about it?

What makes up an energy bill? Why might it be high? And what you can do about it?

We’ve all been there. The latest energy bill arrives and it’s a doozy. How could this be? 

Like a forensic accountant, you begin scrutinizing every line item. What did it this time? Was it the new high-speed blender you bought? Those long baths you took? Or was it when your in-laws visited and set the thermostat to a balmy 84 degrees? 

Any one of them could’ve done it. So maybe if you just return the blender, stop taking baths, and never let your in-laws visit ever again…that should get the bill back under control. Right?

Unfortunately, it’s not so simple.

When it comes to energy bills there are some things you can control and some you can’t. Changing your habits can help, but there are other ways of making a much bigger impact.

In this article, we’ll show you what goes into your bill every month, and how you can actually make a difference.

What’s on your energy bill?

Factor 1: Taxes, distribution, and fees

These are the charges that help pay for the utility network and its upkeep. Each year these charges are predetermined by your state’s energy regulators. They account for 30-50% of your bill, and there’s not a whole lot you can do about them.

Factor 2: The cost of energy

The price of fuel goes up and it goes down. When it’s up, your bills are higher. And when it’s low, your bills are lower. Unless you’re an evil super-genius that can personally impact global energy prices, there’s not much you can do about this one either. 

There is one exception, though. If you’re using a third-party gas or electric supplier, they may be charging you prices above market rate. You can always compare to make sure you’re getting the best price. If you’re not, you should find a new provider.

Factor 3: Your home’s energy use

This is a biggie, and it’s the one you can definitely control. 

Most homes use far more energy than they should. For instance, a 1,500 square foot home might be consuming the energy required for a 2,200 square foot home. Using energy efficient appliances and making energy-saving choices like turning the lights off in empty rooms can help. But there are even better ways to reduce your home’s energy use. And that’s where Sealed comes in.

Making your home more energy-efficient

Heating and cooling systems command a tremendous amount of your home’s energy. And if your house was built before 2000, there’s a good chance that your HVAC equipment is working overtime just to keep you and your family comfortable. That means season after season, year after year, your house is wasting energy.

At Sealed, our goal is to quickly—and permanently—solve the main cause of inefficient homes: unwanted airflow. You can the virtual home tour on our site to learn more about the problem and how we fix it. 

The good news is you don’t need to change your whole life just to make your house more energy efficient. All you have to do is give us a call. 

The bad news? We can’t do anything about your in-laws.

January 31, 2020