More comfort, less energy waste

Get the upgrades your home needs to feel amazing. We’ll handle the details.

See if you qualify
Annaliesa P.

Throughout the process I felt at ease. I was truly impressed with the service I received from Sealed and the contractor they referred… would definitely recommend this program to anyone!

Cynthia B.
Valley Stream, NY

Working with Sealed: The step-by-step details

At Sealed, we’ve designed a better process for upgrading homes. We prioritize ease, affordability and accountability, without ever sacrificing quality.

Step 01 Qualification

The first step is to take our qualification quiz. It takes only a few minutes, and you’ll receive an immediate response as to whether or not your home is a good match for Sealed.

Step 02 Introductory call

Once you’ve qualified, you can schedule time for you to talk with one of our home comfort experts. We’ll talk about the issues you’re experiencing in your home and how we might address them, and gather your home details to inform a custom solution. The call is free and there’s never any obligation, pressure, or commitment to take the conversation further.

Step 03 Energy profile analysis

Next we’ll analyze your home’s energy usage history, alongside the characteristics of your home to inform your custom solution. This evaluation gives us a better understanding of what upgrades your home needs to be more comfortable and efficient. We’ll need your permission to look at your energy history with your utility, or you may need to collect your energy history from your utility and send it to us. How to collect your energy history from your utility.

Step 04 Solution review

We’ll present your home upgrade plan. We may ask you to take some photos of your home so we can get the details right. We’ll go over the scope of work: your proposal will include the project value and customized payment program.

If you’re ready to move forward, you’ll sign your agreement so we can move forward with the work.

Step 05 Verification

Before work begins, your Sealed contractor will visit your home to make sure that everything is properly scoped. If any changes are needed, we’ll adjust the plan accordingly.

Step 06 Installation

With the scope of work locked and agreements signed, we can get down to the nitty gritty. We’ll help set up a date for the installation and share a clear timeline and project plan with you. Installs typically take only a day or two.

Ready to get started?

Let’s work together to make your house feel better.

See if your house qualifies


Why do I need to take a qualification quiz?

Sealed works best for certain types of homes. For instance, we don’t currently service multi-family dwellings. And if you’re a renter we won’t be able to help you either. We don’t want to waste your time if our services aren’t right for you, and the quiz is a quick, easy way to determine if we’re a match.

Why do I have to schedule a call after I qualify?

No two homes are alike, and we use the information covered during this first conversation to start building a custom solution for you. We also share more detail about the work Sealed does so you can decide if we’re right for you. It’s our goal throughout the process to help you make educated and informed decisions about your home upgrade plans.

Is it safe to share my energy history with Sealed?

Yes. Our energy history permission form is encrypted. We never use your personal information for any reason other than to analyze your energy history.

How can Sealed build an upgrade plan for me without visiting my home?

Using the information you provide, along with publicly available data and our own proprietary data, we’re able to predict with a high degree of accuracy the upgrades your home will need. As part of the process, you’ll also follow a guided online experience that helps you get photos and measurements needed to confirm your project scope.

How does Sealed choose my contractor?

Sealed works exclusively with certified home performance contractors. In choosing your contractor, we typically look at location (are they near your home) and expertise (do they have a specific area of knowledge that makes them well-suited to your work). When negotiating with contractors, we always look to get you the best price possible. It’s in our best interest to keep costs low: Sealed makes money if home saves energy, not because the price of the project is high.

Who’s my point of contact when the work’s getting done?

You’ll be assigned an account manager once you sign your agreement. It’s the account manager’s job to guide you through the install process, and they’re available to answer any questions as they come up. Your account manager is also your point of contact should you have any questions after the work is finished.

See if your house qualifies

Take the quiz to see if your house qualifies

Sealed is the only home upgrade program with a guarantee.

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